It’s Time Has Come.
The official, easy-to-use punctuation
mark to emphasize a sarcastic
phrase, sentence or message.
Free for a limited time!

Tell Them How You Really Feel


It must be tough being perfectSteve Ballmer
sarcasctic guy
I need that like I need a hole in my headLinda Madden
sarcasctic girl

Sarcasm is practically a second language to a lot of people. The SarcMark™ is punctuation for those who speak it.

The SarcMark is available on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Air app_store, on android devices app_store, and SnapChat app_store. It’s also available as awordpressplugin and in emails using ourwindows-bannerSoftware. Plus, several more platforms. Check them out here.
(We have software and plugins for other platforms currently under development. Stay tuned…)

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